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rip van winkle 里普萬溫克爾〔美國作家歐文 (W. Irving) 作 ...


Bantam lyons prophesy who will win the saint leger . bloom walks on a net , covers his left eye with his left ear , passes through several walls , climbs nelson s pillar , hangs from the the ledge by his eyelids , eats twelve dozen oysters shells included , heals several sufferers from kings evil , contracts his face so as to resemble many historical personages , lord beaconsfield , lord byron , wat tyler , moses of egypt , moses maimonides , moses mendelssohn , henry irving , rip van winkle , rossuth , jean jacques rousseau , baron leopold rothschild , robinson crusoe , sherlock holmes , pasteur , turns each foot simultaneously in different directions , bids the tide turn back , eclipses the sun by extending his little finger 他吃掉十打牡蠣連同外殼,治好了幾名瘰癘患者,顰蹙起鼻子眼來模仿眾多歷史人物:貝肯斯菲爾德勛爵315拜倫勛爵沃特泰勒316埃及的摩西摩西邁蒙尼德317摩西門德爾松318亨利歐文319瑞普凡溫克爾320科蘇特321冉-雅克盧梭322利奧波德羅思柴爾德男爵323魯濱孫克魯索夏洛克福爾摩斯巴斯德324 。

Quite a number of stories there were on that particular alice ben bolt topic , enoch arden and rip van winkle and does anybody hereabouts remember caoc o leary , a favourite and most trying declamation piece , by the way , of poor john casey and a bit of perfect poetry in its own small way 這里可有人記得盲人奧利里59嗎?順便提一下,那是可憐的約翰凱西60所寫的深受歡迎卻又令人心酸音調鏗鏘的作品,結構完美的小小詩篇。

Another piece , the most famous and enduring in the whole books , tells the tale of rip van winkle 全書最有名最雋永的一篇,講的是瑞普?凡?溫克爾的奇遇。

After i opened my english blog , i read a message ? ' hello rip van winkle ! ! ! 打開我的英語博客,我讀到了一則留言? ? “你好,里普?萬?溫克爾! ! ! ! ”

“ very good , “ returned hurstwood , “ only it s the same old thing , rip van winkle . “很好, ”赫斯渥說, “還是一出老戲瑞普凡溫克爾。 ”

Winkle : cockles and periwinkles . then i did rip van winkle coming back 146接著,我扮演重返家園的瑞普凡溫克爾。

Come on , rip van winkle , wake up ! it ' s nearly lunchtime 快,醒醒啦,睡不醒的人!已經快到吃午飯的時候了。

Rip van winkle we played . rip : tear in henny doyle s overcoat 瑞普:亨尼多伊爾的大衣裂縫。

This is the opinion of some rip van winkle 這是一些不識時務的意見。